Come Together with S'mores
Hershey’s S’mores sales were in decline, and at a key retailer like Ahold, this also meant the program was risk of losing shelf space and incremental placement in 2018. To ensure we not only gained favor with the retailer but sparked shoppers’ love of S’mores throughout the entire season, we educated shoppers on new ways to make the delicious dessert without cannibalizing Hershey 6 packs, Hershey’s main packtype for the summer season.
Come Together with S’mores helped shoppers see S’mores as an easy everyday dessert that brings the family together through simple customization and new interpretations of the classic stack. We scored endcap placement all summer thanks to fresh s’more options like strawberries and worked with partners Kraft and Kelloggs to breakout beyond the graham cracker. As a result, we maintained sales of Hershey 6-pack, won share of market, and through A/B POS testing, saw +246BPS higher in stores with POS than those without.